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#29: Josh in "Seven Days in Havana" (2012)

If you're reading this in America I have some bad news for my fellow USA residents. (& if you're reading this from outside the USA, greetings from the USA! I may have GOOD news for you).

What's with the cryptic intro? Well, imagine you're on a roll with your Josh movie marathon only to get a message on a streaming platform that says "THIS VIDEO ISN'T AVAILABLE IN YOUR COUNTRY."

Did I let this stop me though? Of course not.

I worked a little magic and bada-bing, bada-boom, I was able to watch Josh's 2012 film, Seven Days in Havana. You may need to find a workaround if you're in the US and you want to watch this one, as I was unable to find ANY place to stream, purchase, or rent this movie using a USA IP address.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let's talk about this film and Josh's performance!

Seven Days in Havana is divided up into segments, with Josh appearing in the first segment, El Yuma (the first 20 minutes of the film). He plays Teddy, an American film student who comes to Havana for school...and a good time apparently! During this segment, we watch Teddy try (and fail) to find a companion for the evening as he navigates the chaotic Havana night-life scene with plenty of booze.

Oh man...what a departure from the last character we discussed, Peeta! Josh is back to playing "bad boys"...well...kind of. Teddy was pretty friendly and kind to everyone he encounters in Havana (some he was VERY friendly hem...) and at the end of the segment, he does something that surprised me.

Spoiler alert ahead! You've been warned!

During Teddy's quest for a hook-up, he's rejected by several women...until he meets a blonde who catches his eye. She agrees to go back to his hotel to "have a drink" (which Teddy had many of that evening). Once they arrive, the hotel staff insist on seeing his date's ID, and then take Teddy aside to drop a bomb on him. They reveal that his date was transgender, and seemed to be swaying Teddy to walk away from the woman. This information does change Teddy's interest, as we immediately see in his body language, but in an effort to not embarrass her (or perhaps himself) he goes upstairs with her anyway, but not for physical intimacy. He gives her his hat as a form of "payment" upon her request, and she leaves confidently with his Yankees hat.

How things shake out in this segment makes me classify Teddy as more of a "good guy" than a "bad boy", but if you've seen this film, let me know in the comments - how would you describe the character of Teddy and the kind of person he is?

When it comes to Josh's portrayal of Teddy, as usual I have no notes. Josh beautifully captures the excitement and confusion that comes with moving to a new country. He also was challenged with not only playing this character, but playing this character who was intoxicated for much of the segment. I also appreciate the playfulness that Josh brought to the role, such as the moment he stuck out his tongue in admiration for the date Teddy finds at the end of the night. Josh's performance as Teddy was incredibly charming despite the character not making the classiest choices (except for the end, which I described above) and I believe that's a testament to his acting!

Want to experience this one for yourself? As we discussed, if you want to find this one in the USA, "may the odds be ever in your favor". If you're out of the USA, you may have an easier time. Good luck!

Peace and Joshperity,




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