Hey Josh Nation! I've got another JH confession for ya - these next two movies we are going to discuss might just be my two least favorite Josh flicks.
Does this mean Josh's performance was poor in these films? Heck no! However, when thinking about the films themselves, my enjoyment of them, or their entertainment value...they weren't my cup of tea.
I begin this way because I want to be authentic on my blog, but I also am committed to focusing on the positive - and that's where Josh's performance will save the day here! Let's chat about it.

Let's start with a fun fact - did you know Future Man isn't the only credit where Josh plays a character with his name? In The Forger, Josh plays a troubled 15-year-old named Joshua Mason. His origin story (his mother abandoning him) is a focal point of the film, leading Joshua down a path of deceit. Although he's a talented artist, the tough spot he's in leads to some poor choices, and he uses his abilities to scam others with art forgery deals. After a period of homelessness, being taken advantage of by others, and trying to find his place in the world, Joshua finds it with Anne-Marie, a famous artist who serves as a motherly/grandmotherly figure for him, offering him a forever home.
Sounds like a pretty cute plot, right? I won't disagree - but to me, this movie moved pretty slowly. Nevertheless, Josh found a way to shine. His character's tough upbringing gave him a lot of opportunity to show emotion. In fact, the scene where Vanessa, the social worker, tells Joshua that she couldn't find his mother may end up on my list of top Josh performances. My heart absolutely ached for Joshua, knowing that his character's true desire was to be loved, to belong, and how abandoned he must've felt at that moment. Josh portrays these complex emotions really beautifully, and that scene will forever stand out to me as one of his best.
Want to draw your own conclusions on the film's entertainment value? You can find this one on YouTube!
Peace and Joshperity,