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#26: Josh in "Detention" (2011)

Did you know...that Clapton Davis walked so Josh Futterman could run?

Yep - Josh Futterman, Josh's character from the Hulu show Future Man, wasn't his only character to time travel. Clapton, the high-schooler he played in the 2011 film Detention did too - back to the 90s!

Let's go on a time-traveling journey of our own back to '11 to discuss this horror-comedy. (Personally, I feel this film is more comedy than horror. We do get some bloody scenes, but it's heavier on the laughs than the scares. It's more Scary Movie than Saw. Its Wikipedia page describes it as a "black comedy slasher".)

This time, Teen Josh is back (and so is the slightly longer hair). Clapton is a skate-boarding, music-obsessed, resident "cool kid" who is generally liked at school, but somehow still has a bully. (Go figure!) When a serial killer wreaks havoc on his friends, Clapton and crew are tested and they discover that not everything is as it seems. Turns out, the 'popular' girl Clapton was crushing on, Ione, was a lot older on the inside - her mom had swapped places with her and it takes a time traveling adventure to reveal the truth.

Now, Josh is no stranger to characters with a "too for school" attitude (I'm looking at you, Steve from Cirque du Freak who crumpled his work and threw it in his teacher's face). Much like the believability he injected into his other "bad boy" characters, we get this from Josh's performance Clapton too. He oozes confidence and charm, and takes the character seriously but not too seriously (this is a comedy after all).

If we count 2009's Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, this film serves as Josh's second "horror" movie. While the film garnished mixed reviews, it did win a four awards, including the Youth Jury Prize at the 2011 Seattle International Film Festival, the Midnight Extreme Award at Spain's Sitges, the Biggest Surprise Award at London's Frightfest, and the L'Ecran Fantastique Prize at the 2011 Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal.

Still not convinced Detention is worth a watch? I shared a quick clip to my Instagram story during my viewing and an old friend who I studied film with in undergrad reached out to share his love for the film. "BEST MOVIE EVER!" he said.

So there you have it - I'm not the only fan of this film! This may be one of my favorite Josh credits. Detention is unique, funny, and has a plot with several elements - time travel, romance, high school growing pains, and of course kids on the run from the mysterious serial killer, Cinderhella. I won't spoil the killer's identity, so if you want to find out for yourself, this flick is streaming for free on Tubi!

Peace and Joshperity,




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