If you had a #blessed childhood like me, you also probably got lost in all kinds of animation. From Disney classics to "Nick Toons"...the 90s and early 2000s were filled with quality movies and shows for kids. Among the best were the films from Studio Ghibli, the Japanese animation studio run by legendary director Hayao Miyazaki. Chances are, no mater what time period you grew up, you've seen at least one of his films...and maybe you even recognized a familiar voice in one of the dubbed versions.
In 2005, Josh got his 3rd voice acting credit with the film Howl's Moving Castle when he brought Markl to life for English dubbed version viewers.
At the time of this writing, the film is available to stream on Max, but I opted to purchase it from Amazon and I'm so glad I did...I ADORE THIS FILM. Why? Let's talk about it!

While Josh was not the original voice actor of this animated masterpiece, I feel like he was MADE to voice Markl in the English dub version. I mean, just look at sweet little Markl above...doesn't he remind you of Baby Josh a litte?
Markl felt like such a natural character for Josh to voice. He's playful, loving, and while he's not your ordinary kid, since he's an apprentice to a powerful wizard, he sure acts like one! He's got a messy room, eats without the best table manners, and looks up to the older folks in his life - Howl and Sophie.
My heart was melting at Josh's performance in the film. He sounded so adorable - especially when Markl was in disguise as an older wizard, so Josh had to do an "old man" voice. My blog's comments can't do it justice. Just trust me...this is worth the watch for that alone. While I loved Josh's southern accent in Party Wagon, the English dub version of Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite out of Josh's voice acting projects thus far in the marathon.
If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend it! There's a reason why it was Oscar nominated and why director Hayao Miyazaki is so highly regarded. His films are beautiful works of art, and they typically are a bit more complex and "adult" than other cartoons. For instance, this film has elements of social and political commentary, but it's also a love story, has comedic elements, and so much heart. The plot line is interesting - a witch curses young Sophie and turns her into a senior citizen, leading to an epic adventure and even a dash of romance.
The English dub version of Howl's Moving Castle and Josh's performance as Markl has captured my heart...I bet it will have the same effect on you. This is truly a special film and while it holds the top spot as my fave Josh project thus far in the marathon, we still have much to see...so stay tuned for more reviews and Josh fun facts!
Peace and Joshperity,
Pop Quiz Time!: Let's check your Josh knowledge - use my blog's previous posts if you need a hint!
Q: What was Josh's first voice acting credit? What was his second? Were they movies or TV shows? Bonus question - what characters did he voice?
A: Josh's first voice acting credit was in 2004, when he played Toady in the made-for-TV film, Party Wagon, which aired on cartoon network. His 2nd was also in 2004 - he voiced 2 characters, Van-El and young Bruce Wayne, for the TV show "Justice League Unlimited", Season 1, Episode 2, "For The Man Who Has Everything". Technically, since Party Wagon was made for TV, "Howl's Moving Castle" (English Dub) marks Josh's first voice acting credit in a traditional movie.